Your donations area always welcomed and greatly appreciated! We couldn’t accomplish anything without the ongoing support of the Australian Shepherd Breed Community. ASHGI is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and will provide documentation of your gifts for your tax records. Consult your tax professional for details on pertinent state and federal rules for deduction of charitable gifts.
ASHGI supporters can choose any of several methods of donating:
Monetary Donations
Gifts in any amount are welcome. Those who choose to donate $50 or more have the option of receiving a copy of the ASHGI Life Record. These booklets make idea puppy packet items for new owners. Click on “Litter Donation” at left if you’d like to receive multiple copies.
- Unrestricted Gifts – An unrestricted gift gives ASHGI the flexibility to use the funds where they are most needed.
- Restricted Gifts – Donors may restrict their gifts for use on a particular ASHGI program or for research on a particular disease. Restricted funds will only be expended on the subject the donor has designated. Please advise us on what you want your gift to support when you give, either by noting it on your check, in an accompanying note or letter, or by typing it into the description box for donations via PayPal.
If you would like to make a donation:
By mail send to :
1338 Trouville Ave.
Grover Beach, CA 93433
By secure PayPal transaction, please click on “Donate Now” in the menu at left.
- Gifts-in-Kind – You may designate goods or services as a gift to ASHGI. Raffle gifts are our most common Gift-In-Kind. If you would like to give for some other purpose, please contact us. Gifts -in-kind may be eligible for tax deductions (see your tax professional). In order to provide you with documentation for your tax records, please fill out our Gift-In-Kind Form and submit it with your gift.
- Bequests – A bequest or memorial gift is a written statement in a donor’s Will or Trust directing that specific assets, such as cash, a piece of real estate, the stock from one specific company, or some other specific property, or a percentage of the donor’s specific assets, be transferred to the Australian Shepherd Health and Genetics Institute, Inc. at the donor’s death. Consult your attorney for details on how to arrange for a bequest.
- For Sample Bequest language, click here.