Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

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Border Collie Collapse


What is Border Collie Collapse (BCC)?

BCC is a neurologic disorder in which strenuous exercise may trigger a collapse episode.  One form of of this disease, called Exercise-Induced Collapse (EIC), has been identified in the Labrador and several other breeds.  The type seen in Border Collies and related breeds, including Australian Shepherds, is different.  It was first identified and is most frequently observed in Border Collies which is why it is called Border Collie Collapse.  Several collie-type breeds are affected.  Other descriptions of the disease are exercise-induced hyperthermia, stress seizures, and “the wobbles.”

How do I know if my dog has BCC?

Dogs with BCC will become disoriented, confused, sway, stagger, or even fall to the ground after a few minutes of vigorous exercise.  During an episode a dog will make exaggerated vertical movement of its legs while walking.  If turning its legs may cross over each other.  It may also scruff its feet along the ground.  Hot temperatures, elevated excitement, and intensity of exercise may all contribute to triggering episodes.  A few won’t show signs until a few minutes after exercising.  Episodes may last from a few minutes to a half-hour, after which the dog returns to normal.

How is BCC diagnosed?

Patient history and observation of behavior during an episode are the only way to diagnose BCC in collie-type breeds at present.  Episodes virtually never happen in a vet’s office, so if your dog has one try to take a video so the vet can see what is going on.

What does having BCC mean for my dog?

Activity will need to be limited.  If the dog has been active in competitive physical events, it should be retired.  If it is a working dog doing something that requires strenuous exercise it should be retired.

How common is BCC in Aussies?

Unknown at this time.  It is seen mostly in dogs engaged in vigorous activities like agility or stockwork.

Is BCC inherited?

Probably, given the presence of BCC in several collie-type breeds.

What does BCC mean for my breeding program?

Affected dogs should be withdrawn from breeding.  Do not breed an affected dog or repeat a cross that produces it  and breed normal relatives to mates with no near relatives who have episodes similar to those caused by BCC.