Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

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IDASH Open Health Database Dispute Policy

Filing a dispute Prior to filing any dispute, we recommend that you read the IDASH Rules and Criteria in full: If one or more persons wish to dispute an entry in the IDASH Open Health Database (OHD), they must do so in writing directed to any member of the ASHGI Board of Directors (names and e-mail links can be found in the “About ASHGI” section of the website) The dispute document must include the following:
  • Name of the dog as it appears in ASHGI’s data
  • The specific OHD listing(s) they wish to dispute
  • The specific basis for their dispute of the listing
  • The names and contact information (address, e-mail address, and phone number) of any and all persons filing the dispute
  • The relationship of each disputant to the dog. (breeder, owner of sibling, etc.)
  • If the disputant(s) wish to submit via mail rather than e-mail, their letter of dispute must be dated and signed by all disputants.
ASHGI will acknowledge receipt of the document via the e-mail(s) provided by the disputant(s) IDASH OHD Data For OHD listings obtained from publicly available resources, the disputants will be referred to that source.  Sources of data are indicated for all listings on the dog’s OHD health page.  Sources may include health registries, kennel clubs, national breed clubs, and owners’ websites.  ASHGI will take no further action unless it subsequently learns that the data in question has been removed or altered by the source. For OHD listings submitted by dog owners:
  • For most things, owners must provide veterinary documentation. However, some things (dental faults, hernias, and retained testicles) may be self-reported.  Breeders may report conditions present before a puppy is transferred to its owner as they owned the dog at that time.
  • When a dispute is filed, we will notify the owner of the filing and by whom it was made. If the listing was a self-reported condition, we will ask that they reaffirm that condition.
  • If the disputed item was submitted by the dog’s owner (as opposed to public source data) we will provide the disputants the owner’s affirmation or a copy of the documentation supporting the listing.
  • If the disputant(s) wish to challenge a self-affirmation of the condition, the owner will be asked to provide documentation supporting the dog’s condition.
  • If the documentation is either a statement from the dog’s veterinarian, a test result, or other veterinary document that gives the diagnosis, the listing stands unless the disputant(s) can offer a credible argument that it is flawed. If such an argument is made, we will consult with our veterinary advisors prior to accepting or rejecting that argument.
  • If our veterinary advisors agree that there is basis to question the listing, we will hold the dispute open pending further investigation. Otherwise, the dispute will be dismissed.
Dispute process: Once a dispute of information from veterinary sources is deemed valid, we will:
  • Notify the owner of the dog. If the dog has changed hands since the listing, the person who submitted the data will be considered “owner” for the dispute resolution process.
  • The listing will be temporarily taken down until resolution of the dispute per this ASHGI policy.
  • ASHGI will request that the disputants submit in writing evidence or arguments supporting their claim. These will be shared with the owner.  Failure to provide evidence or argument will terminate the dispute.
  • For listings based on veterinary documents, disputant’s evidence or argument will be submitted to our veterinary advisors and, if deemed credible, we will contact the veterinarian who issued the report for further clarification. If our veterinary advisors consider the response adequate to support the diagnosis, the listing will be returned to open status and the dispute considered closed.
  • If the listing is based on a self-report, the owner (or breeder for things reported from puppies) may be required to submit a veterinarian’s statement that verifies their self-report. If the listing is confirmed it will be returned to open status and the dispute will be considered closed.
  • If the argument made by the disputant(s) is found to be valid, the listing will be removed from our data.
  • Both the owner and disputant(s) will periodically be advised of the status of the dispute via e-mail.
  • Both the owner and the disputant(s) will receive notice of the final determination via e-mail.
  • Once a determination is reached the matter will be considered closed.