Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

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Submit Health Data

Thank you for submitting Australian Shepherd health data to IDASH. A brief overview of the process follows:

  • Please read IDASH Rules & Criteria [Click Here]
  • Submission requires a valid name and e-mail [if you need to update your info click here]
  • Designate status: We encourage open listing but will also accept confidential submissions.
  • Open listing
    1. Search our Pedigree Database for your dog’s name or provide it if it is not listed
    2. You MUST submit proof of ownership with other required documentation.
    3. Select the health issues you wish to report
    4. Review instructions for what documents to submit (provided on-screen and via e-mail)
    5. Return to this page to submit another dog
  • Confidential listing
    1. Provide the name(s) and health issue(s) of the dog(s) you wish to report
    2. You will receive an acknowledgement e-mail and a volunteer will contact you for information within a few days

How do you wish to classify the data you plan to submit?

Open – available to the public through the Open Health Database, as well as for research, statistics and pedigree analysis.

Confidential – not available to the public, but used for research, statistics, and pedigree analysis.